Next open committee meeting and drop in centre – Monday 18 February, 2019

Date: Monday 18 February
Time: 4.30-6pm open committee meeting, followed by drop-in centre until 7.30pm.
Everyone is welcome to arrive any time between 4.30 – 7.30 pm
Venue: Walker Close Community Centre, 180 Millers Rd, Altona North.

Program for 18 February Drop in Centre  6pm – 7.30pm

Digital storytelling
Discussion of how we can collaborate with other organisations in Hobsons Bay on our digital storytelling project and use 3ZZZ for broadcasting stories.

Revise your CV or start writing one
If you would like some feedback on your CV you can bring it to the meeting and we can discuss it as a group or with you individually. If you don’t have a CV, but would like to start writing one, we can talk about how to do it. 

Want to start a new business or improve your existing business?
You can discuss it with the group or we can arrange for someone to discuss it with you confidentially.

Anything else you want to talk about or do?

You are welcome to raise anything else when you drop in to meet us.


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