Suspending CT meetings until further notice

The global coronavirus pandemic is affecting all our families, communities, businesses and our way of life, including the activities of CT. Unfortunately, we have to advise you that we have cancelled our regular Monday meetings until it is safe to restart them again. But we have not cancelled our activities.

Until we can meet again we will continue some of our activities online, including the digital storytelling project. So, if you have a story you want to start working on, please contact us and we can cooperate from our respective homes.

We will also continue providing support and informal advice, but instead of doing that at meetings, we will do it online.

You are welcome to contact CT either by sending and email to or via mobile 0404 857 806.

We can then discuss more appropriate ways of collaborating, depending on the task, e.g. via skype, whatsapp and/or Zoom.

In the meantime, follow government instructions, stay well and keep looking out for each other.

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