CT members are currently meeting regularly and if you are interested in what we do, you are welcome to join us or contact us for further information.
Details for the next monthly meeting are:
Time: 10.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.
Date: Thursday 4 October 2018
Venue: Walker Close Community Centre, 180 Millers Rd, Altona North
The meeting will focus on digital storytelling, one of our new activities this year and on organising our Cultural Diversity Week event, which will include delicious food from different continents.
Participants in our pop-up shop will resume their activities when the weather is a bit warmer. If you are interested in this activity, please contact Leoni on 0418 598 901
You can also get further information on the pop-up shop and other Community Tributaries activities by sending an email to communitytributaries@gmail.com OR ringing Helena on 0404 857 806.